Kelas menggambar. RULES: NO RULER (You have to draw perspective drawings without ruler). NO ERASER (WHAT?! I complained this, and finally my lecture said: "Okey, but not too much." NO MANGA/ANIME FACE (I mean no BIG EYES, no SMALL NOSE, no LINE as the LIPS, no SMALL EARS, and no other unstructural parts). Karena tugas-tugas yang diberi dosen utama tidak jelas tugas yang masuk nilai atau tidak, I decide to upload all of my drawings either the practice or the assignment into the post. Since all of them are in my sketchbook and the others are taken by the lecturers, I can't upload them all. But I promise, semua project kelas menggambar akan diupload secepatnya setelah tugas dikembalikan. Hope you'll enjoy.
Media: Pencil Faber-Castell semua jenis, Sketchbook A4 dan A3, Pensil warna Faber-Castell.
I have to say.. you're cool! >.< Keep up your good work!
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